The Ultimate Winter Hair Guide

Winter is like marmite, you either love it or you hate it.

Some love the cold crisp air and some despise it, but our hair? Well, it really hates it. Why? Because it doesn’t benefit our hair, eyelashes or skin in any way and actually causes more damage, which is why we need to have our winter hair care routine on point. This is also why i have created this ultimate winter hair guide.

Find my top tips listed at the end of the blog!

Skip to the good bits 👇

What may cause someone's hair to become greasier during the colder winter months?

For some, hair may become greasy during the winter. This can be caused by many factors. 

As we tend to wrap up warm during the winter, the hats and scarfs we are wearing are retaining the heat that we would normally release from our head, this is a brilliant temperature for the oils from your scalp to make their way down the roots, making it look more oily. 

We are much more prone to “faffing” with our hair, pushing it away from our faces when the wind blows it around, or rubbing our hands through it after we’ve removed our hats and scarfs. These actions are making our hair oilier. 

Read on to find out the best ways to deal with oily hair during the winter.

common winter-related hair or scalp issues we should be aware of?

Just like our skin, hair becomes dry in the winter. This can also happen to our scalp resulting in white flakes creating what is commonly known as Dry Scalp. By using more hydrating shampoos can keep our scalp nice and moisturised, keeping those pesky flakes at bay. 

Dandruff can also flare up during the winter, so make sure you’re treating any occurrences correctly.  Head over to my *Do I Have Dandruff Or A Dry Scalp? [Guide]*  to read the best tips on how to treat dandruff. 

winter hair care products

During the winter I always recommend swapping your shampoo for more of a hydrating shampoo to help moisturise your scalp and hair to give it the best chance against the harsh winter air. 

Always make sure you are using a good leave-in cream, to help prevent split ends and to keep your hair looking smooth. 

It is a must that you use a good heat protectant, you should be using this all year round, regardless.

Set yourself one day a week where you give your hair a proper pamper. Smother your hair in a good hydrating hair mask (don’t apply it to your roots) this will give your hair the best fighting chance. 

Here are some of my top favourite products for this winter 👇


Olaplex No.6

Olaplez No.8

Maria Nila Repair Shampoo 

Joico KPAK Reconstruct

Wella Thermal Heat Defence.

How to treat dry hair in winter

You must always dry your hair after you’ve washed it during the winter if you’re planning on going outside. Your hair is at its most delicate when it’s wet, so going out in the cold air can cause it to become dry and brittle. 

How should you adjust your hair care routine for the winter?

You need to adjust your hair care routine in the winter to prevent damage to your hair and scalp. By introducing more hydrating products to your regime, will help to moisturise the hair perfectly. 

Just give your hair that little bit of extra love, by applying more hair masks, not brushing when it’s wet, and not going outside with sopping wet hair, your hair will be thanking you for years to come.


What are the best hair treatment tips for winter?

As you should be applying more hair masks during the winter months, here are some top tips to get the absolute most out of the hair treatments you are applying, After all, you don’t want to be wasting product. 

Only apply hair masks to shampooed hair. Once you have shampooed your hair, apply the hair mask. There is absolutely no point in applying a hair mask to hair that has been conditioned. Conditioner is designed to smooth the cuticle down after the shampoo has opened it, so applying a hair mask on to conditioned hair will have no effect on the hair as it won’t be able to penetrate the hair shaft. 

Make sure you’re really wringing out your hair. If your hair is sopping wet the hair mask will just slide off, resulting in no effect at all and actually wasting product. 

Applying cling film around your hair when the hair mask is on will generate more heat, which will allow the cuticle to open more so the hair mask will be able to go deeper into the hair shaft and you will reap the most benefits. 

Here are the best hair treatments you should try this winter 👇

Joico KPAK reconstruct

Olaplex no.8 

Olaplex no.3 

Maria Nila Repair Mask  

If you are someone that has naturally dry or coarse hair, then it’s even more important that you have a good winter hair care regime. 

Make sure that you are opting for hydrating products such as intense hydrating masks. Always make sure that you are using some form of leave-in cream to create a barrier between your hair and the harsh winter environment. 

Take a look at the ones I suggest below 👇

Olaplex no.6 

Palmers leave in conditioner 

How do I prevent hair from tangling and looking unkept in the winter?

If you struggle with tangled hair then you more than likely need an injection of moisture and a trim. 

Dry, dead, hair tangles easier because it is more brittle and snags a lot more. By cutting off the really dead hair and treating it to a moisture boost will help it to become more manageable. 

Will we get more hair loss during winter?

The hair has a three-step cycle, 

  1. Anagen
  2. Catagen 
  3. Telogen

During this cycle, your hair grows and sheds. It may happen that you are going through your “shedding” stage during the winter. This where you will notice more hair loss, this is completely normal. However, if you notice large clumps of hair or bald patches, seek medical advice as soon as you can, as it may be a sign of a health problem.

How do you take care of your oily hair in the winter?

Taking care of oily hair in the winter can be difficult. If your hair is already oily, the last thing you want to do is wash it with a heavy shampoo. 

So this is where you need to up your treatment game. By applying a hair mask twice a week will give the hair the moisture boost it needs without making your roots oily, make sure you aren’t applying the hair mask to your roots as this will lead to oily roots. Make sure you are opting for a light leave-in cream, this will create a barrier between your hair and the harsh winter environment. 

Olaplex No 6 is a brilliant example 👇


Olaplex no.6 

How do I take care of curly hair in winter?

Curly hair loves hydration, which makes it so much more important that you are making sure they stay hydrated in the drying winter months. 

Stay clear of any shampoos that contain alcohol as these will dry your curls out 10x more. 

Applying a leave-in conditioner will keep your curls hydrated and bouncy! Also, Make sure to lower the temperature of your shower when you are washing your hair. Using hot water on your hair will strip the natural oils that you need to keep the scalp and hair hydrated. 

How do you take care of coloured hair in the winter?

Your stylist should have given you an aftercare plan for your colour treated hair. However, if not here are some musts, that you should follow if you have coloured locks. 

🗑 Bin the shampoos that contain sulphates. These dry out your hair which is what you need to avoid when you have coloured hair.

⏬ Turn down the heat. Don’t use any styling products above 150 degrees. Bonus points if you can stop using them together. 

❌ Stay away from any products that contain alcohol. These dry out your hair terribly. 

💧 Make sure you are using a hair mask at least once a week. Keeping your locks hydrated and moisturised will not only keep your hair looking healthy but it will also prolong your colour vibrancy. 

💇‍♀️ Don’t brush your hair when it’s wet. Although your hair is very strong when it’s dry (each strand can hold up to 100grams in weight when it’s dry) it is extremely weak when it’s wet.


What steps will you be adding to your winter hair care routine?

As well as all the other tips I have suggested in this blog post, here are a few added extras to include. 

🔥 Make sure you lower the temperature of the water when washing your hair. Using hot water on your hair can strip it of its natural moisture. In the winter there is nothing better than a hot steamy shower, washing your hair in such hot water will strip out the moisture from your hair, which isn’t ideal when we’re trying to keep as much of that in as possible.  

❌ Stop using excessive heat on your hair and make sure you are using a good quality heat protectant prior to applying heat. Always make sure your hair dryer is on the lowest heat setting and your straighteners are no hotter than 180 F. 

 💇‍♀️ Make sure you are getting regular haircuts. By getting your hair trimmed regularly it stops split ends from travelling further up the hair and snapping off. 

💧 Make sure you are keeping hydrated, by drinking lots of water. If you are hydrated, so will your scalp and hair. Just like with our skin, the hair benefits from being hydrated. Water really does play a huge part in everything!

🧖‍♀️ Set yourself one night a week to give your hair a proper pamper. Giving your hair regular treatments keeps it healthy, repaired, and hydrated, resulting in healthy shiny bouncy hair!

❌ Don’t brush your hair when it’s wet. Although your hair is very strong when it’s dry (each strand can hold up to 100grams in weight when it’s dry) it is extremely weak when it’s wet.

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What steps will you be adding to your winter hair care routine? Thanks for reading! Until next time ❤️

PS, Head on over to my Instagram account @heyimbeks where you’ll find product reviews, general chitchat and a welcoming community